Professional assembly service for your Ninja purchase.
Book your assembly through HandyBuddy and we handle the rest—sending a top expert to get your job done well, on your schedule.
Grill Assembly
✓ Grill assembly by vetted and background-checked professionals
✓ No tools necessary - our pros arrive with proper tools
✓ Flexible scheduling
Our simple 3-step process
â‘ Get an Instant Online Quote
Find your item in the section below* and click the QUOTES & SERVICE button. APPLY A FILTER to narrow your search.
*Can't find your item? Submit a special request.
2. Tell us your appointment preference.
From the QUOTES & SERVICE page, specify any appointment preference you may have.
3. Get matched with a certified local expert.
Then click GET MATCHED â–º to continue followed by BOOK NOW and we'll match you with certified local experts.
Why book with HandyBuddy?
Nationwide coverage
Service is available across all of the US and Canada. So no matter where you live, we've got you covered.
Certified HandyBuddy experts
Our vetting process ensures that we work with only the best professionals. Your expert is responsible for bring tools.
Competitive pricing
The price you see quoted here online is not an estimate. It is the exact payment due upon completion. No hidden fees.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If you're not totally satisfied with the service performed and paid for, just let us know. We wont quit until it's right. Guaranteed!